Are there any advantages (cost savings or otherwise) to having one provider for home, life, auto?

Asked by Don from New Canaan, CT


Thanks for the question.

Are there any advantages (cost savings or otherwise) to having one provider for home, life, auto?

To answer your question, Yes! Typically there are advantages to bundling policies under one insurer. Not only will you reduce your paperwork, but you’ll probably get a discount on one or more policies. It’s quite common to consolidate auto and home insurance policies under one insurer.

Word of caution: avoid lapses in coverage

If you decide to bundle policies, make sure you don’t cancel an existing policy before the new one has taken effect. Lapses will often raise your premiums.



Please note: InsureMe Answers is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a licensed professional. For specific questions about a policy or claim, please contact your insurance agent or company.

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