I don’t own a car. Do I still need an SR22?

Asked by anonymous from an unspecified location

Before we answer this question, let us first explain what an SR22 is and the purpose it is intended for.

I don't own a car. Do I still need an SR22?
I don’t own a car. Do I still need an SR22?

Many people think an SR22 is a type of insurance they’re required to purchase if they have too many tickets, moving violations or DUIs. But that isn’t the case. An SR22 is actually a form filed by your insurance company as proof that you’ve purchased liability insurance to protect others from injury, damage or harm in case you cause an accident while driving.

Since you indicated that you don’t own a car, you haven’t purchased auto insurance–and therefore probably don’t need an SR22. However, it’s wise to check with a car insurance agent to make sure this is the case in your state, since each state sets its own laws regarding insurance individually.


Please note: InsureMe Answers is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a licensed professional. For specific questions about a policy or claim, please contact your insurance agent or company.

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