Could you please let me know how to deal with liability of children (this is for a family moving to Georgia for a year)? How is that type of liability covered? I would appreciate your response.

Asked by Francis from an unspecified location

Hi Frances,

Could you please let me know how to deal with liability of children (this is for a family moving to Georgia for a year)? How is that type of liability covered? I would appreciate your response.
Could you please let me know how to deal with liability of children (this is for a family moving to Georgia for a year)? How is that type of liability covered? I would appreciate your response.

Thank you for your question. In the U.S., if a child breaks or damages something of someone else’s or on someone else’s property, the person who is affected would usually file a claim under their own insurance policy. For example, if a child breaks out a window on someone’s home, the homeowner would file a claim on their homeowner’s insurance policy in compensation for the damages. If a child breaks out the window on someone’s car, the car’s owner would file a claim under their own auto insurance policy.

With this being said, the children’s parents may also be able to purchase an umbrella insurance policy that covers liability for others and their property. However, this varies by state, as each state makes its own laws when it comes to insurance.

To find out how these things are handled in Georgia, I’d recommend the children’s parents speak directly with a Georgia insurance agent, who will be well informed on the laws in that state. To get in touch with one, they should complete the quote request form on our Web site and then ask the agent who contacts them afterward how to insure against this type of situation. They could also call the Georgia Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner’s Office at 800-656-2298 with any questions.

I hope that answers your question. Please let us know if we can do anything else to help!

Please note: InsureMe Answers is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a licensed professional. For specific questions about a policy or claim, please contact your insurance agent or company.

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